Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 22

Nothing too drastic has occurred since my last post. I did suspect that I was starting to get a pin tract infection around my two middle pins, because the area was much more swollen than the rest of the pins; it was also red and had been oozing some sort of liquid that ranged from clear to bright yellow to reddish. I emailed my doctor about this and he sent a prescription for antibiotics, which I have now been on for about four days now. The area around the pins looks much better than it did before, although it is still a bit more swollen and wound-looking than the rest of the pins because (obviously) the pins are sliding across my skin as the device stretches my bone...I'm not complaining about that, because it's doing it's job! Yay!

Two days ago I was at a family party and was standing, sitting, and crutching around, all the while in 100 degree weather (we've been having a heat wave here in Cali). Because of this, I was unable to rest, elevate, or ice my foot the entire day...by evening when I unwrapped my ace bandage, my foot looked like a balloon! I've never seen it so swollen. It was so swollen that the little strips of tape that had been holding the incision together had raised up and off my foot. I think the shock of this was worse than the actual pain and throbbing, but I took a pain pill to be safe. What a scare!

In terms of my emotional health, I have been a lot more emotional and sensitive than I normally am. I think the combination of pain killers, the pin tract infection scare, staying on house arrest all day everyday, my inability to swim in my own backyard or go to the beach, inability to go to parties with friends (summer parties are the best parties), not having a job all summer (I'm a college student...no job and still having to pay for rent and things? IMPOSSIBLE), or even something as simple as WALKING has taken a toll on me. I try to stay positive but lately it has gotten the best of me. I was feeling really depressed yesterday, but three of my best friends came over and hung out with me all day which snapped me out of it instantly. Anyone wanting to go through this surgery needs to be prepared for this...I told myself for YEARS that I'd be prepared for the emotional aspect of surgery and its implications, but I really had no clue what the reality of it would be like. I'm lucky to have my family and great friends around me to cheer me up and keep me occupied, which I have been very grateful for!

I go back to see my doctor next Monday, July 8th to check my progress. He had told me that I would be turning my device for about 20 days, but it has already been day 15 of turning and I am NOT near my goal length. I'm assuming that he will either ask me to turn three times a day instead of two, or that we will just have to keep turning longer than expected. I'm okay with turning longer, I'm just worried that I'll be going back to school with the device still on my foot, which was the last thing I wanted to have happen. Imagine crutching to class from my apartment off campus to get to my classes that are on the farthest corner of the school...not enjoyable at all. I'm just continuing to pray and think positive thoughts about it!

I'll add a picture(s) next Monday at my appointment, since nothing looks that different from the last set of pictures.

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