Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Hello! I am 20 years old and live in California. I have dealt with brachymetatarsia for over a decade, since I was about ten years old. I have wanted to get surgery for my little toe since I was 13 years old, but never was able to because of financial reasons and the fact that no doctor seemed to want to operate on it. Like everyone with brachymetatarsia mentions, I've had a lot of psychological issues having to deal with this. Hiding my toe from the world became a top priority, and it consumed my life. Within the past few years, I've also started to have more and more pain in my foot since my other toes have to make up for my fourth toe not bearing weight. Long story short, I really really really wanted surgery!! This year, LUCKILY, I found an orthopedic surgeon who would do this procedure for me. So the rest of this blog is going to be my experience through the surgery and post-op healing. I hope this helps anyone who is in my position and wants to get their little toe fixed!!


  1. Hello! I have the same problem and I am 20 as well I have been wanting to do this surgery but I dont know whether my insurance would cover it or what doctor to go to. What is the name of your doctor? As you have said this takes over your life trying to hide it from everyone. I would appreciate the answer! thanks! looking forward to seeing your results

    1. Hi Jackster! I have insurance under my parents, so one parent gives me Blue Cross and the other gives me Kaiser. When I was younger, we tried finding a surgeon for me who took our Blue Cross insurance, but it turned out my insurance does not cover this surgery at all. Kaiser, on the other hand, covers the cost of this procedure 100%. The only thing I paid for this entire time was the copay for the post-op visits. With that said, I did not go to a brachymetatarsia specialist, I just had a podiatric surgeon do the procedure. I'm completely happy with him and my results, though!

    2. labellavita how did you get Kaiser to cover it? My 7 yr old has brachymetatarsia on both feet and we have Kaiser. They've already stated its cosmetic and won't be covered.

  2. I get mine tomorrow! I'm so nervous!

  3. Hi
    I suffer from brachymetatarsia since I remember! I am 28 and I start to look seriously for a surgeon as I can't get over this matter! Always hiding my feet and avoid going to the beach with my family! People look like if we're alliens! Can someone please please help me with a good doctor reference! My email is lilianasalvador1988@hotmail.co.uk! Thank you.

  4. Hello I am from Seattle Washington, I am 20 years old and I suffer from brachymetatarsia as well. I am currently looking into this whole process of who could operate on me and if my insurance would be able to cover it. This has been one of biggest insecurities. I tired of hiding and not enjoy life......
